Owner's manual

Page 26 Recording
360 Systems
4. To exit, press STOP or PLAY.
Replacement Insert Recording
In this operation, a region of audio is replaced with a new recording. First, the region to
be replaced is highlighted by placing the EDIT IN mark at the beginning, and the EDIT OUT mark at
the end of it. On entering the Insert Record mode, the highlighted audio is deleted, and the new
material is inserted in that space. The ultimate length of the File will depend on whether the
inserted segment is shorter or longer than the audio being replaced.
Insert Recording in this manner is how the Shortcut executes an erase-record or “punch-
in” record. However, you don’t have to take a running start, and there is no possibility of the
new take running long and erasing good material after the edit. It is as though you cut out the
bad take, and edited in a take from a different piece of tape. If you want to record over
everything after a certain point, simply place the Edit Out mark at the end of the file.
1. Place the EDIT IN mark at the point to start the new material.
2. Place the EDIT OUT mark at the end of the region to be replaced.
3. Press one of the ARM keys if it is desired to record on only one track.
4. Hold the INSERT key and then press RECORD.
5. Record the new audio passage.
6. To exit, press STOP or PLAY.
Note that in all other record modes, Shortcut always records both channels.