Owner manual

TCR Series User's Guide Machine Setup 5-5
MENU | Machine Setup | Preferences | Pre-Roll
The Pre-Roll function sets the amount of time that the TCR plays (or “rolls”) prior to the edit in-
point (during an Auto-Record and Auto Review cycle).
05:00 10:00 15:00 20:00 25:00 30:00 35:00
File Timeline
In-point Out-point
Edit Segment
40:00 45:00 50:00
Pre-roll Interval
Adjustable from
0 to 10 seconds
With videotape editing systems, this interval is used to synchronize VTRs, but with the TCR having
no tape transport, the pre-roll time is typically used to hear a portion of audio in context, just prior to
an edit in-point — or to allow time for tape machines in the system to reach speed.
Use the following steps to set the pre-roll interval.
1. On the Setup Preferences Menu, select item 1 (PRE-ROLL). The current pre-roll interval
is highlighted.
2. Select the desired pre-roll interval. The range is from NONE (no pre-roll) to 10 seconds.
MENU | Machine Setup | Preferences | Post-Roll
The Post-Roll function sets the amount of time that the TCR plays (or “rolls”) after the edit out-point
(during an Auto-Record and Auto-Review cycle).
05:00 10:00 15:00 20:00 25:00 30:00 35:00
File Timeline
In-point Out-point
Edit Segment
40:00 45:00 50:00
Post-roll Interval
Adjustable from
0 to 10 seconds
The post-roll time is typically used to hear a portion of audio in context, just after the edit out-point.
Use the following steps to set the post-roll interval.
1. On the Setup Preferences Menu, select item 2 (POST-ROLL). The current post-roll
interval is highlighted.
2. Select the desired post-roll interval. The range is from NONE (no post-roll) to 10 seconds.
Sort Files By
MENU | Machine Setup | Preferences | Sort Files By
The Sort Files By function allows you to set the sort criteria that is used on the File List. Use the
following steps to set the sort criteria.
1. On the Setup Preferences Menu, select item 3 (SORT FILES BY). The current “sort”
setting is highlighted.
2. Select the desired setting. Four choices are available:
NAME: files are sorted alphabetically by name only.