User Manual

Table Of Contents
The Info tab summarizes configuration information about the Ethernet Bridge and
the wireless LAN. To view configuration information:
1 In the Windows system tray, click the 3Com icon to display the
3Com WLAN Launcher.
If the 3Com WLAN Launcher is not already running, you can start it from the
Windows Start menu. Select Start/Programs/3Com 11 Mbps Wireless LAN/3Com
WLAN Launcher.
2 In WLAN Launcher, click either the Padlock or the Hammer icons.
3 In the WLAN Configuration Utility window, click the Info tab.
The following information appears in the Info tab:
Item Description
Driver version Useful for troubleshooting.
Firmware version Useful for troubleshooting.
MAC Address Unique hardware name for your Ethernet Bridge.
IP Address Your computer’s current IP address.
Card Type Type of client adapter; for example, PCMCIA or PCI.
Power Source AC power or battery power.
Network Type Access point or Ad hoc.
Security Settings Type of security set for the Ethernet Bridge. For information on
security, see “Security Settings” on page 24.
WLAN Service Area If the network type is access point, shows the currently associated
WLAN service area. For information on the WLAN service area, see
“Changing Network and Security Settings” on page 23.
If the network type is Ad hoc, this item does not appear in the list.
Channel Radio frequency (RF) channel.
Network Name If the network type is Ad hoc, shows the name of the ad hoc
network. For information on ad hoc networks, see “Setting up an
Ad Hoc Network” on page 27.
If the network type is access point, this item does not appear in
the list.
Access Point MAC
Unique hardware name for the associated access point. If the
network type is Ad hoc, this field shows N/A.
Power Management Power mode. For more information on power modes, see
“Changing Power, Traffic, and Address Settings” on page 28.
Associated Signal
Indicates the strength of the radio signal. All light green indicates
the best signal; all dark green indicates no signal.
Data Rate Data transfer speed. For example, 11 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, 2 Mbps, or
1 Mbps.