Two-Way Radio User Manual

Optional parameter:
Set OP=MOD (default) to modify existing impe dances or to define addi tional impedances.
Set OP=NEW if all existing im pedances applied to the model should be removed. To remove
only selected impedances, use OP=NEW and respecify all impedances that are to be retained.
Data line to define an impedance for PROPERTY, NONREFLECTING=PLANAR, or
First (and only) line:
1. Element number or elem ent set label.
2. Surface im pedance type label, In, for impedance on face n.
Data line to define an absorbing boundary impedance for NONREFLECTING=CIRCULAR or
First (and only) line:
1. Element number or elem ent set label.
2. Surface im pedance type label, In, for impedance on face n.
, the radius of the circle or sphere defining the absorbing boundary surface.
Data line to define an absorbing boundary impedance for NON REFLECTING=ELLIPTICAL or
First (and only) line:
1. Element number or elem ent set label.
2. Surface im pedance type label, In, for impedance on face n.
3. The semim ajor axis, a, of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the surface. a is 1/2 of the
maximum distance between two points on the ellipse or spheroid, analogous to the radius of a
circle or sphere.
4. The eccentricity,
, of the ellipse or prolate spheroid. The eccentricity is the square root of
one minus the square of the ratio of the semiminor axis, b, to the semimajor axis, a:
5. Global X-coordinate of the center of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the radiating
6. Global Y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the radiating
7. Global Z-coordinate of the center of the ellipse or prolate spheroid defining the r adiating
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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