Two-Way Radio User Manual

Set TYPE=CYLINDER to define a three-dimensional rigid surface by providing connected
line segments and then sweeping them along a specified generator vector.
Set TYPE=REVOLUTION to define a three-dim ensional rigid surface by providing connected
line segments, which are given in an
plane and are rotated about an axis.
Set TYPE=USER to define a rigid surface via user subroutine RSURFU.
Optional parameter:
This parameter can be used with TYPE=SEGMENTS, TYPE=CYLINDER, or
TYPE=REVOLUTION to define a radius of curvature to smooth discontinuities between adjoining
straight-line segments, adjoining circular-arc segments, a nd adjoining straight-line and circular-arc
segments. It has no effect on rigid surfaces defined with TYPE=USER.
No data lines are n eeded for TYPE=USER.
Data lines to define surfaces created with TYPE=SEGMENTS:
First line:
1. The “word” START.
2. Global X-coordi nate or r-coordinate of the starting point of the line segments.
3. Global Y-coordin ate or z-coordinate of the starting point of the line segments.
Second and subsequent data lines define the various line, circular, and parabolic segments (see
below for their format) that form the profile of the rigid surface.
Data lines to define surfaces created with TYPE=CYLINDER:
First line:
1. Global X-coordinate of point a, the origin of the local system (see Figure 17.19–1).
2. Global Y-coor dinate of point a, the origin of the local
3. Global Z-coordinate of point a, the origin of the local
4. Global X- coordinate of point b on the local x-axis.
5. Global Y- coordinate of point b on the local x-axis.
6. Global Z-coordinate of point b on the local x-axis.
Second line:
1. Global X-coor dinate of point c on the local cylinder generator vector.
2. Global Y-coordinate of point c on the local cylinder generator vector.
3. Global Z-coordinate of po int c on the local cylinder generator vector.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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