Two-Way Radio User Manual

Set TYPE=TEMPERATURE to give initial temperatures. The STEP and INC parameters can
be used in conjunction with the FILE parameter to define initial temperatures from the results or
output database file of a previous ABAQUS/Standard heat transfer analysis.
Set TYPE=VELOCITY to prescribe initial velocities. Initial velocities should be defined in
the global directions, regardless of the use of the
This parameter is used only with the FILE parameter. The parameter spe cifies the step in the
results file of a previous ABAQUS analysis from which prescribed fields of TYPE=FIELD,
TYPE=PRESSURE STRESS, or TYPE=TEMPERATURE are to be read. It can also specify the
step in the output database file of a previous ABAQUS analysis from which prescribed fields of
TYPE=TEMPERATURE are to be read.
This parameter is used only with the FILE parameter. The parameter specifies the increm ent in
the results file of a previous ABAQUS a nalysis from which prescribed elds of T YPE=FIELD,
TYPE=PRESSURE STRESS, or TYPE=TEMPERATURE are to be read. It can also specify the
increment in the output database file of a previous ABAQUS analysis from which prescribed fields
of TYPE=TEMPERATURE are to be read.
Optional parameters:
This parameter is relevant only for use with the INTERPOLATE parameter. Set this parameter equal
to the absolute value ( given in the units used in the model) by which nodes of the current model may
lie outside the region of the model in the output database specified by the FILE parameter. If this
parameter is not used or has a value of 0.0, the EXTERIOR TOLERAN CE parameter will apply.
This parameter is relevant only for use with the INTERPOLATE parameter. Set this parameter equal
to the fraction of the average elem ent size by w hich nodes of the current model m ay lie outside the
region of the elements of the model in the output database specified by the FI LE parameter. The
default value is 0.05.
If both tolerance parameters are specified, ABAQUS uses the tighter tolerance.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the results file from which initial field variable or pressure
stress data are to be read. Set this parameter equal to the name of the results file or output database
file from which initial tem perature data are to be read. This parameter must be used in conjunction
with the STEP and INC parameters.
This parameter is used only with TYPE=STRESS to specify that a geostatic stress state, in w hich
stresses vary with elevation only, is being defined.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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