User's Manual

3e–527A3 Wireless Access Point – 8 Port Chapter 2: Hardware Installaton
14 29000152-001 B
The Indicator Lights
The top panel of the 3e–527A3 contains a set of indicator lights (Light
Emitting Diodes or LEDs) that help describe the state of various network-
ing and connection operations.
LED Description
Power The Power indicator LED indicates when the device is powered on. If
this light is on, the gateway is on; if it is not on, the gateway is off.
WAN This light indicates the state of your connection to the organization's
Ethernet LAN network. When on, the WAN light indicates that the
gateway is connected to the network. When the WAN light is off, the
gateway does not have an active connection to the network.
1. LED Off means the RF power is adminstratively disabled.
2. LED steady on means RF power is enabled but there no trafc.
3. LED blinking is relative to user trafc.
LED is used to indicate downlink trafc. It blinks when trafc is sent to
(or received from) the downlink.
• Root node: on and blinks with trafc.
• Intermediate node: on and blinks with trafc.
• Leaf node: always off.
WLAN Signal
The Strength LED indicator indicates the strength of the node assigned
in the Signal Strength MAC eld of the Bridge Conguration screen. If
there is no assignment, the strength of the uplink node is shown..
1. LED Off: means no connection on the bridge side, or the signal is
very weak.
2. LED blinks slowly (every 1 second): means there is a connection, and
the signal quality is poor.
3. LED blinks fast: means there is a connection, and the signal quality
is good.
4. LED steady on: means there is a connection, and the signal quality is
LED is used to indicate uplink trafc. It blinks when trafc is sent to (or
received from) the uplink.
• Root node: always off
• Intermediate node: on and blinks with trafc.
• Leaf node: on and blinks with trafc.
NOTE: for a standalone bridge, technically it’s root and leaf. But we
dene it as root, not leaf. So the WLAN 2 LED will be solid on. FIPS/
MODE LED will be off. When high bandwidth trafc is going through,
the response of the trafc LED indicators may be slow due to the work
load of the internal processor.
Detail of LEDs on the face of the 3e–527A3