User's Manual

3e–527A3 Wireless Access Point 8 Port Chapter 3: Access Point Conguration
56 29000152-001 B
3e–527A3 Wireless Access Point – 8 Port Chapter 3: Access Point Conguration
29000152-001 B 57
Event Type Description
Audit Log Conguration Modied Any modication to the audit log
conguration (enable/disable,
recorded event types, etc) will trig-
ger the creation of an audit record.
Key Transfer Error Any error detected during the
dynamic key exchange, either to
the station or the authentication
Key Zeroized The keys are zeroized including:
1. Transitioning from static key to
DKE (and vice versa)
2. Transitioning to bypass mode
Individual log messages appear
from the application and driver
since keys are held in both loca-
STA Failed Authentication A station's authentication request
is dropped because it doesn't
match the MAC address lter.
STA Associated A station successfully associates to
the AP.
Encryption Algorithm Changed The encryption algorithm is
changed, including bypass mode.
Failed FIPS Policy All HMAC/AES decrypt errors
that can be detected.
MAC Filter Changed The MAC address lter is changed
including adding/deleting,
enable/disable, and changing lter
Time Changed Whenever the time is changed via
the GUI or at bootup if the time is
within two minutes of 11/30/1999,
0hr, 0min.
Self Test Activated The self-test function is run.