User Manual

3e-528 Wireless Video Server Chapter 6: The RF Manager Function
76 29000142-001 A
3e-528 Wireless Video Server Chapter 6: The RF Manager Function
29000142-001 A 77
How to Program the RF Manager
Before you are able to remotely manage access points, you need to
program the RF Manager by putting the static IP Address of APs you
want to manage in a conguration le.
Click on the Browse button. This will open a window with
some sample les that you can edit. You should edit the contents of
SampleRadioOn.3eti and SampleRadioOff.3eti.
To see the contents of one of these les, simply right click the le
name and select Open from the dropdown menu.
Because the le has an extension (3eti) which Windows is not yet
familiar with, the very rst time you attempt to open it, Windows will ask
you what program you want to open it with, as shown in the screen on
the following page. Choose a text editor that you are comfortable with,
such as Wordpad. In future, Windows will open all les with the exten-
sion of 3eti with the text editor you have chosen. You will be able to edit
the le and save it without changing the le properties.