User's Guide

3e-531AP Wireless Access Point
Chapter 3: Access Point Con guration
29000125-001 C
Transmit power is disabled, either by setting TX Pwr Mode to Off
on the management screen or by using the
RF Manager (Chapter 7), the
Wireless Clients page will show the results from each associated client
in the
EMCON Response column. If the client responds to the "disable"
command, a
is displayed. If the column contains a
, this can mean
the client didn't receive the command, or
the client is no longer in the areas, or
the client software doesn't support the
RF management
This status information remains active for 5 minutes after the clients
are disabled.
Once the transmit power is re-enabled and clients re-associate to the
AP, EMCON information is maintained for them. If a new client that
wasn't associated previously associates with the AP after the EMCON
mode, its EMCON status appears as "-", which indicates the status record
is not applicable.