User's Manual

Table Of Contents
1 2
4 5 6 7 8 9
RST Software Installation
IDentity 4100 User Guide
Windows 7 Setup
If you have a Windows 7 operating system, your firewall may block UDP
traffic and consequently RST may not discover your readers. Perform the
following to configure your system:
For Microsoft Firewall
2 Log into your computer as Administrator.
3 Navigate to the Control Panel and select
Control Panel System and Security
4 Select
Allow a program through Windows firewall
5 Scroll down the list and locate
Startup Tool
, check it, and press
6 If Startup Tool is not in the list, press
Allow another program
7 Locate
Startup Tool
, check it, and press
8 Restart RST and it should discover readers.
For Third-Party Firewalls
9 Log into your computer as Administrator.
10 Set your firewall to allow RST to receive UDP traffic on port 50000 and