
EU Type Examination Certificate
No. CE 705697
First Issued: 2019-04-03 Effective Date: 2019-11-04
Latest Issue: 2019-11-04 Expiry Date: 2024-04-03
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This certificate has been issued by and remains the property of BSI Group The Netherlands B.V., John M. Keynesplein 9, 1066 EP Amsterdam, The Netherlands and
should be returned immediately upon request.
To check its validity telephone +31 20 3460780. An electronic certificate can be authenticated online.
BSI Group The Netherlands B.V., registered in the Netherlands under number 33264284, at John M. Keynesplein 9, 1066 EP Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A member of BSI Group of Companies.
Packaged variants
In addition to the products referenced on this Certificate the standard industrial products may also be sold as market
specific packaged variants. Such variants will be differentiated and the Technical File(s) will be updated with the
appropriate information.
Kits and packouts
The products referenced on this Certificate may also be combined with other 3M products into a kit or packout. There
will be no change to the product but the User Information may vary, in such instances the applicable Technical File(s)
will be updated with the appropriate information.
Certificate Administration Details
Technical File Reference: TF0553
Certificate Amendment Record:
Issue date Comments BSI Review No.
April 2019 First issue under PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425. 0086:19:9704735
November 2019 Addition of 3M™ Cool Flow™ Fan 1040/10691. 2797:19:3086482
Certificate validity
The Certificate holder is responsible for ensuring that the Notified Body is advised of changes to any aspect of the
overall process utilised in the manufacture of the product, failure to do so could invalidate the Certificate in respect of
product manufactured following the introduction of such changes.
The validity of the Certificate for the products is also dependent on the maintenance of the EU Conformity to Type
Based on Quality Assurance of the Production Process, Annex VIII (Module D), as referenced on BSI issued Certificate
CE 595701.