Product Warranty

Hearing Protector User Guide 21
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should worry about noise?
No matter how old or young you are,
too much exposure to loud noise can
permanently damage your hearing. Whether
it’s the screech of a chain saw, the sudden
blast of a hunting rifle, or the roar of a lawn
mower, exposure to loud sounds can cause
noise-induced hearing loss or NIHL.
NIHL is serious. Some 30 million people
are at risk in the workplace, in recreational
settings, and at home. In fact, it is the second
most self reported work-related illness or
injury. Already, 22 million American adults
ages 20 to 69 have permanently damaged
their hearing from exposure to loud sounds.
Source: National Institute on Deafness and Other
Communication Disorders, National Institutes of
Health, June 2010.
What is Noise Reduction Rating
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
has selected the Noise Reduction Rating
(NRR) as the measure of a hearing protectors
noise-reducing capabilities.
Here is an example of how NRR is calculated:
1. A riding lawnmower operates at 95
decibels – not a safe level of sound
to exposure your ears to without
hearing protection
2. WorkTunes Hearing Protectors Noise
Reduction Rating (NRR) is 24 decibels
3. When you put on WorkTunes Hearing
Protectors your ears are only exposed
to sounds at 71 decibels (95 decibels –
NRR 24 = 71 decibels) – a much safer
decibel level for your ears
Keep in mind that an improper fit of this
device will reduce its effectiveness. See
“Fitting WorkTunes Hearing Protection
to learn how to get a good fit and seal.