User's Manual

Adjusting the antenna
If necessary, use the antenna adjustment tool
provided to carefully adjust the swivel tightness of the
handheld antenna.
If the antenna is too loose
§ Use the antenna adjustment tool to tighten (turn
clockwise) the antenna adjustment screw slightly
until the antenna swivels properly.
§ Be careful to only turn the adjustment screw the
minimum amount needed to adequately tighten the
handheld antenna swivel.
If the antenna is too tight
§ Use the antenna adjustment tool to loosen (turn
counterclockwise) the antenna adjustment screw
slightly until the antenna swivels properly.
Figure 8: Use the antenna adjustment tool to
adjust the antenna.
Cleaning the handheld
The handheld may need occasional cleaning.
§ Gently rub the handheld with a soft cloth dampened with a mild cleaning
solution. Make sure that no liquids enter the handheld case.
§ DO NOT spray cleaning solution directly on the handheld.
Storing the handheld
During storage, the handheld continues to use a small amount
of battery power. Over time (approximately one week), the
battery can lose its charge, requiring you to perform a reset.
Storing the handheld for less than a week
Install a fully charged battery in the handheld.
§ To start using the handheld, press and release the trigger.
Storing the handheld for more than a week
Remove the battery from the handheld when storing it for
more than a week.
§ After storage, insert a fully charged battery and perform the
Resetting the handheld procedure on page 13.
Do not over tighten the antenna adjustment screw.
Over tightening the antenna adjustment screw may
damage the Handheld.