User Manual

© 2008 4IPNET, INC.
4.1.4 WAN Traffic
MSG100 supports uplink/downlink bandwidth management features, including Load Balancing and WAN Failover,
and Connection Detection.
Available Bandwidth on WAN Interface:
Ø Uplink Bandwidth: The maximum uplink bandwidth of the WAN interface to be shared by clients. The
same setting will be applied to WAN1 and WAN2.
Ø Downlink Bandwidth: The maximum downlink bandwidth of the WAN interface to be shared by clients.
The same setting will be applied to WAN1 and WAN2.
WAN Failover & Connection Detection: MSG100 supports WAN Failover, Load Balancing and the ability to
detect WAN connection.
Ø Target for detecting Internet connection: Enter the IP address or domain name of up to three targets to
which the system will send packets for detecting Internet connection status. If there is a problem in the
connection in the WAN port, and the specified IP address(es) or domain name(s) cannot be reached, there
will be a warning message appearing on clients screens. To enable WAN Failover, at least one target must
be configured.
Ø Enable Load Balancing: MSG100 supports outbound load balancing. Select to enable the systems Load
Balancing function. The system will distribute traffics to WAN1 and WAN2 based on the weight ratio
assigned; the weight ratio can be based on Sessions, Packets or Bytes. When this function is enabled, the
WAN Failover check box will disappear because WAN Failover is covered by Load Balancing.
o WAN1 Weight: Enter a value ranging from 1~99. The default value is 50.
o Base: Three Base types can be selected from: Sessions, Packets or Bytes. Packets and Bytes are
based on historic downlink data. New connection sessions will be distributed between WAN1 and
WAN2 based on the Base selected and WAN1 Weight set.