User Manual

© 2008 4IPNET, INC.
of the default option, Bob can log in with either "bob" or "bob@BostonLdap as his username.
Ÿ Black List: There are 5 sets of black lists provided by the system. A user account listed in the
black list is not allowed to log into the system. Select one black list from the drop-down list box
to be applied to this specific authentication option.
Ÿ Group: Select one Group from the drop-down list box for this specific authentication option.
Ÿ Authentication Database: Select Local from the drop-down list box and then click Configure
to enter the Local User Database Settings.
Then, click the hyperlink of Local User List:
Ø Local User List: The administrator can view, add, and delete local user accounts here.
The Upload User button is for importing a list of user accounts from a text file. The
Download User button is for exporting all local user accounts into a text file.
Click the hyperlink of the respective usernames to enter a configuration page for further
settings. Local user accounts can be assigned to a Group and forced to apply Local VPN
o Add User: Click this button to enter the Adding User(s) to the List interface. Then, fill in
the necessary information such as Username, Password, MAC Address (to bind the MAC
address of a networking device to a local user) and Remark. Select a desired Group to
classify local users. Check to enable Local VPN in the Enable Local VPN column. Click
Apply to complete adding the use(s).