User Manual

© 2008 4IPNET, INC.
o Edit User: If editing the content of individual user account is needed, click the username of
the desired user account to enter the Editing Existing User Data Interface for that
particular user, and then modify or add any desired information such as Username,
Password, MAC Address (optional), Applied Group (optional), Enable Local VPN (optional)
and Remark (optional). Click Apply to complete the modification.
Ø Roaming Out & 802.1X Authentication: When either Account Roaming Out or
802.1X Authentication is enabled, the link of this functions configuration page will be
available to further define authorized devices with IP Address, Subnet Mask and
Secret Key.
Click the hyperlink of Roaming out & 802.1X Client Device Settings to enter the
configuration interface. Choose a desired type from Disable, Roaming Out or 802.1X.
Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask and shared Secret Key of 802.1X clients. Click
Apply to complete the settings.
Account Roaming Out: MSG100s Local Authentication Database can act as
an external RADIUS database to another authentication server. When Account
Roaming Out is enabled, local users can log into the system from other network
domains with their local user accounts on MSG100. Here, the system acts as a
RADIUS Server, and the roaming-out local users as RADIUS clients.
802.1X Authentication: When 802.1X Authentication is enabled, the Local
Authentication Database will be used as a RADIUS database for connection with
802.1X enabled devices such as access points or switches.