User Manual

© 2008 4IPNET, INC.
Click the hyperlink in the To Group Permission Configuration column to enter the Group Permission
Configuration & Policy Assignment interface, which is based on the role of Service Zone, to configure the
relation between Group and Zone.
o Group Option: The name of Group options available for selection.
o Enabled: Select Enabled to allow clients of the enabled Groups to log in to this Service Zone under
constraints of the selected Policies.
Check Enabled of each individual Group to assign it to the Service Zone listed. For example, the
above figure shows that clients in Group 1~8 can access Default Service Zone, where they are
governed by Policy 1~8 respectively.
o Policy: Select a Policy that the Group will be applied with when accessing this Service Zone.
o To Zone Permission Configuration: Click the hyperlink in the To Zone Permission Configuration
column to enter Zone Permission Configuration & Policy Assignment interface, which is based
on the role of Group, to configure the relation between Group and Zone.