User Manual

© 2008 4IPNET, INC.
Ÿ SYSLOG Server Settings: Three types of report, including System Log, Guests User Log and Session Log,
can be sent to a specified syslog server.
Ø IP Address: The IP address of the syslog server for receiving the respective reports.
Ø Port: The port number of the IP address.
Ÿ FTP Server Settings: Session logs can be uploaded to a specified FTP server periodically.
Ø Session Log:
o IP Address: The IP address of the FTP server.
o Port: The port number of the FTP server.
o Send Log every Hours: The interval to send session logs, which can be configured in the
Notification E-mail Settings page.
o Anonymous: If No is checked, username and password for accessing the records in the specified
FTP server are required.
o FTP Setting Test: Click Send Test Log to send a test log to verify if the setting is correct.