User Manual

Specifications | 249
Feed voltage output -48 V (160 + 160 voltage source current limited)
Loop current limit 35 mA
Seize signal Loop start only (no ground start)
Loop detect threshold 10 - 12 mA (step function between on hook and off hook)
Non loop current 4 - 6 mA (step function between on hook and off hook)
Pulse dialing Transparent decadic signalling at 7 - 14 PPS with break
period limits of 60 - 73 % (with loop current > 23 mA)
Pulse distortion 4:1 multiplexed < 2.250 ms
250 µs
Reversals output Line polarity reversal output (optional)
Metering output voltage 12 kHz / 16 kHz billing tone generation with four selectable
output voltages of 100 mV, 200 mV, 300 mV and 400 mV rms
into 200 sourced via the Line Impedance setting but limited
to a maximum open circuit voltage of 1 Vrms.
Ringer waveform Sinusoidal with a maximum total distortion of 10% (into 3 REN
Ringer voltage (open circuit) Five selectable ringer output voltages sourced via an internal
ringing resistance of 178
Ω per port.
The ringing output is a composite balanced AC ringing voltage
with a differential DC offset voltage.
60 Vrms + 0 VDC
55 Vrms + 10 VDC
50 Vrms + 18 VDC
45 Vrms + 22 VDC
40 Vrms + 24 VDC
Ringer frequency output Options of 17, 25 or 50 Hz ±5%
Ringer power output 60 Vrms source into a load of 2 REN
45 Vrms source into a load of 3 REN
(1 REN
6930 Ω in series with 8 μF)
Ring Trip Ring Trip will ocurr in < 150 ms following DC loop of > 15 mA
Ring Trip Immunity Ring Trip will not ocurr if the DFXS outputs ringing into a load
of 500
Ω in series with 4.4μF or less.
Physical interface Dual RJ-45 per port (1 line port, 1 monitor port)
Line protection Secondary protection (4RF recommends the use of external
primary protection in lightning prone areas)
Green Led Green LED
On: Normal operation
Solid: Off-hook
Flashing: Ringing
Yellow LED On: Alarm
Flashing: Loopback