User Manual

Cross Connections | 144
DFXS & DFXO cross connections
1. On one side of the link, expand the DFXS display, as required, by clicking .
2. On the other side of the link, expand the corresponding DFXO display, as required, by clicking
3. For the DFXS card and corresponding DFXO card, select the Signalling type as required,
according to the table below. The CAS signalling between DFXO / DFXS interfaces uses 4RF
proprietary allocation of control bits.
The Signalling type affects both ports of the DFXO / DFXS interface. If a mixture of signalling
types is required, then multiple DFXO / DFXS cards are needed.
Signalling Application Overhead
Multiplexers the four ABCD bits from the interface into a
single 8 kbit/s channel.
Use when interworking DFXO to DFXS, between an XE
and a SE radio or when limited bandwidth is available.
This signalling type cannot be used for interworking
between framed E1 and voice interfaces.
8 kbit/s
Non-multiplexed Transports each of the four ABCD bits in separate 8 kbit/s
Use when interworking DFXO cards to DFXS cards or
when signalling bits are mapped into an E1 / T1 timeslot.
32 kbit/s
4 wire compatible Use when interworking the DFXO card or DFXS card to a
Q4EM interface
DFXS to DFXO A bit mapped to off-hook
DFXO to DFXS A bit mapped to fault
8 kbit/s
4. Set the Voice capacity and create the Voice connection by dragging and dropping between the
mapping connection boxes of the DFXO and DFXS corresponding ports.
5. Link the Port Signalling connection by dragging and dropping between the mapping connection
boxes of the DFXO and DFXS corresponding ports. The DFXO / DFXS control signals (off hook,
ring, etc) will not function without this connection.