User Manual

Protected terminals | 156
RF protection switch LEDs
LED Colour Appearance Explanation
Tx A Green Solid RF is being received from radio A
Tx B Green Solid RF is being received from radio B
On Blue Solid Indicates that there is power to the RF protection switch
Slave tributary switches
Each tributary switch protects up to eight ports. Up to three slave tributary switches may be added to a
MHSB terminal to protect up to 32 ports. Each slave tributary switch is interconnected by means of the
slave tributary switch ports on the RF switch, as shown below.
Note: A tributary switch that is operating as a slave (rather than a master) has a RJ-45 V.24 loopback
connector plugged into the console port. If the connector is missing, contact Customer Support.
Alternatively, you can make this connector. Follow the standard pinouts for a V.24 RJ-45 connection
(see "
QV24 Interface connections" on page 228).