User Manual

Maintenance | 184
Image Files
Image files (.img) are loaded into the terminal and either contains code that is executed by the system
processor, or contain instructions to configure the various programmable logic elements. The image
file types that can be uploaded are:
Kernel image files
Software image files
Firmware image files
Note: The Bootloader image file C-CC-B-(version number).srec and Flash File System image file C-
CC-F-(version number).img can only be changed in the factory.
Uploading of image files can only be performed to the local terminal (not via the link to the remote
To upload and activate an image file:
1. Upload the required image file.
If the Upload Status page show ‘executing’, then ‘writing to flash’, then ‘Succeeded’, then the file
has been written into the image table correctly.
If the Upload Status is ‘Failed’, there may not be enough free space in the image table to write the
file. Inactive images can be deleted (and the terminal rebooted) to free up space for the new
image (see “
Changing the status of an image file” on page 188).
2. Set the status of the image to ‘activate’ (see “Changing the status of an image ” on page 188).
This actually sets the status to ‘Selected’ until after a terminal reboot.
3. Reboot the terminal using a ‘Hard Reboot’ (see “Rebooting the terminal” on page 189).
This activates the selected image. The image table status will now show ‘Active’.
The previous image file status will now show as ‘Inactive’.