User Manual

Troubleshooting | 198
Interface loopbacks
The interface loopback provides a loopback connection for the customer-connected equipment. All
traffic arriving from the customer interface is looped back.
These loopbacks are applied on a port-by-port basis and can only be enabled on active ports i.e. has
to be activated by assigning traffic to it by the Cross Connections application.
The interface card green LED flashes while the loopback is active.
Loopback type Description
(whole tributary)
The QJET interface loopback will loop back the selected E1 / T1 port.
(individual timeslot)
The Cross Connections application can loopback framed E1 / T1 timeslots
(see "
6Timeslot loopbacks” on page 198).
Q4EM port The Q4EM interface loopback will loop back the port 4 wire analogue path
to the customer.
DFXO port The DFXO interface loopback will loop back the port digital paths to return
the port analogue signal back to the customer.
DFXS port The DFXS interface loopback will loop back the port digital paths to return
the port analogue signal back to the customer.
HSS port The HSS interface loopback will loop back the port data to the customer.
QV24 port The QV24 interface loopback will loop back the port data to the customer.
Ethernet No loopback possible.
Timeslot loopbacks
You can loopback framed E1 / T1 timeslots in the Cross Connections application.
1. Open the Cross Connections application.
2. Right-click the timeslot you want to loop back.
3. Select Timeslot Loopback - the looped timeslot will display in black: