Product Manual

Applications | 63
Aprisa SR+ Product Description 1.5.0
Advanced point-to-multipoint application with repeater
Single base station with Ethernet SCADA data inputs to multiple geographically remote sites with Ethernet
RTUs requiring control and data acquisition. A repeater is deployed to service remote sites beyond the
reach of the base station.
The base station receives Ethernet frames from the SCADA server LAN and broadcasts all Ethernet frames
to the repeater and its remote stations.
Three remote sites have direct radio communication with the base station but the other two remote sites
operate via the repeater site.
Each remote site receives Ethernet frames from the RTU and unicasts over the air to the repeater / base
The base station and the repeater station use an omni directional antenna to provide wide coverage and
the remote stations are fitted with directional Yagi antennas to provide higher gain.