User's Manual

This user manual is mainly intended for ‘random access’ i.e. there is no strict order how to
read the manual. However, this section should be read first as its purpose is to ensure
proper and scalable operations on the system.
The access rights and user management heavily relies a group-based model. The group is the
starting point: every user belongs to one of the groups and the group determines the access
rights of any given user. The technical details and management instructions are in the next
section. This section
Any objects in the system Eyes, Sonars, topology elements such as Organizations and
Locations belong to some administrative group. Objects that do not belong to a certain
group are also invisible to the group. This isolation is very low-level in 7signal Sapphire in
order to enable safe and secure operations in large setups with numerous and
heterogeneous organizations.. 7signal Sapphire supports multiple organizations that are
under completely different administration and must remain unaware of each other.
To fully utilize this feature it is strongly advised that a role called Solution Administrator (see
the next section on user and group management) is used only to create other Administrators
(so called local Administrators) that in turn should not do much more than create a set of
configurators, at least one and as many as deemed necessary.
The recommended minimum setup for an operational 7signal Sapphire is
Users and Groups
Solution Administrator Group (default initial user)
o Solution Administrator (default initial user)
NewAdminGroupForOrganizationX (created by Solution Administrator)
o LocalAdministrator1 (created by Solution Administrator)
o NewConfGroup (created by LocalAdministrator1)
LocalConfigurator1 (created by LocalAdministrator1)
Now, all other configurations related to network topology, test profiles, wlan network keys
etc. should be made by the user LocalConfigurator1 to enable proper operation of the
automated object access rights management system.
Automated Tests
Top-menu selection “Tools | Start automated tests” affects only those objects that are
accessible to the user issuing the command. Stopping works similarly.
Solution Administrator level user starts and stops testing system-wide i.e. all the monitoring
stations. Local Administrator may affect the monitoring stations only inside their own
administrative boundary i.e. only part of the monitoring stations start/stop. However, even
here it is advised to use Configurator level users to manage automated testing locally.