User's Manual

An example of removing a user group:
1. Log in as an administrator group user
2. Open the user group and user management dialog by clicking "Manage | Users and
Groups" from the top menu bar
3. Right-click on a group that satisfies the removal criteria and select "Remove" from
the pop-up menu
User group status
In certain situations it may be desired to inactivate some user group. An inactive user group
has no access rights in the system. A user group can be inactivated by right-clicking on the
desired group and selecting "Inactivate" from the pop-up menu. An inactive group can be re-
activated by right-clicking on the group and selecting "Activate" from the pop-up menu.
An example of changing a group’s status:
1. Log in as an administrator group user
2. Open the user group and user management dialog by clicking "Manage | Users and
Groups" from the top menu bar
3. Right-click on the desired group and select "Inactivate" from the pop-up menu
Related icons
Administrator user
active inactive
Configurator user
active inactive
Reporter user
active inactive
User name - User name
Alias - An alias for the user name, for example the user’s real name
Email Address - User’s email address
Phone - User’s phone number
Organization - The Organization that the user belongs to. Useful for example when a
service provider wants to give access rights to clients it manages.
Status - User’s status
Password/Confirm password: Password/Confirm password
When creating a new user the user name, status and password fields are required, the rest
of the parameters are optional.