User's Manual

1. From the top menu bar, select “View | Network topology
2. Right-click the organization
3. Select “Add location”
4. Enter the location’s name
5. Select the location type from the pull-down menu
6. Enter an optional description for the location
7. Click “Save”
You can add as many locations as needed to describe the organization’s structure.
After you have added a location, you can add a service area.
1. Right-click a location
2. Select “Add service area”
3. Enter a name for the service area
4. Enter an optional description for the service area
5. Click “Save”
Hidden networks
7signal Sapphire considers a hidden network to be a property of certain Organization. The
network scans are based on listening and actively requesting beacon information on the
Service Areas. The hidden networks shall not actively transmit beacons nor respond to
requests with partial information only. Due to this the various scans - including the initial
scan - in 7signal Sapphire do not capture hidden networks. Tests related to traffic analysis