User's Manual

Operation on Test Element
Copy element
The pre-requisite here is to have existing test profiles that shall be the target for pasting this
test element. This is one form of cut&paste operation.
1. Select “Manage | Test Profiles” to open the management tree on the left
2. Choose one of the test elements and right-click
3. Select “Copy element” (no visible results)
4. Paste the element by choosing “Paste testprofile element” available on the right-
a. If the target is a Test Profile icon, the element shall be the last one in that
b. If the target is an essid inside a test profile, the element shall be the last one
for that essid.
5. Repeat step 2-4 until the test profile is according the expectations.
Operations on Test Profile Node
Save All Changes
Any change in the sub-tree shall be made persistent.
Add empty Test Profile
A new test profile object to the tree shall be inserted. The only input required is the name of
the profile.
Operations on Test Profile
Open a pane with “Common Values” and “Name” field ready for editing. “Bound Tests”
remains read-only, the elements are managed in the tree.
Create identical test profile with a new name. It is possible to change top-level parameters
on the same pane. This option enables easy creation of test profiles with similar test
elements to another link.
Copy as essid
Copies the contents of a test profile to be pasted to another profile as essid object.
Removes the object.
Bound Eyes
Shows the monitoring stations that are using this profile.
Automated Tests
No current functionality.