User's Manual

Passive tests
Initial network scan
When the Eye has been installed or needs to be reset, you must run a network scan. There
are various preconfigured scanning durations. When an Eye has been installed for the first
time, it is recommended that you run the longest scan, titled “Initial scan.” The purpose of
the initial scan is to scan the monitoring station’s radio frequency environment very
thoroughly and to detect the access points suitable for monitoring.
Network scan type
Estimated duration (all antennas and
First deployment
1520 min
79 min
34 min
less than 1 min
The scan results are presented in a table. An initial scan should be run whenever substantial
physical changes have been made in the environment being monitored (for example, new or
removed walls), or if the Eye’s location has been changed.
The table contains the following information about the WLAN access points detected:
Network name (ESSID)
Encryption methods supported by the access point
MAC address of the access point
Management status (if not known, denoted as “Unknown”)
Antenna that hears the access point best
Access point signal strength
Noise level
The access points in the service area must have a management status. Setting a
management status means that the access point’s existence is acknowledged.
Unacknowledged access points prompt issuing of an alarm if such an alarm has been
configured. The management statuses are as follows:
“Managed”: Monitored by this monitoring station
o The recommendation for signal strength is >65 dBm
“Own”: Own access point managed by another monitoring station
“Known”: An access point that is an accepted part of the radio frequency
environment (for example, a neighboring network)
o If possible, ensure the access point operates properly and can be accepted
“Unknown”: An access point without a monitoring status
o In practice, this status should exist only during network scans in new service
areas; it should not exist in normal use
The changes are saved in Sapphire Carat’s database and the installed monitoring station.
The test is described in more detail below, under the “Network Scan” description.