User's Manual

a. If static, enter the (1) local IP address, (2) local netmask, and (3) gateway
3. Choose URL from the box
a. To add a URL
i. Write a well-formed and proper address to the input box
ii. Select “Add URL”
b. To remove a URL
i. Activate the URL to be removed with a right-click
ii. Select “Remove URL”
4. Select Execute.
The result marks whether the download was successful (protocol errors or not), the
download time and the downloaded byte count.
Internet Availability Test
This is an infrastructure test that reflects how well a wlan client (Eye) is able to utilize the
Internet. The test includes the following steps:
- radio link setup
- wlan authentication
- DHCP service
- Gateway pinging
- DNS server checks
- DNS name resolves
If the Eye passes all the phases of the test, it is justified to assume that the internet use is in
general fully functional.