User's Manual

In the 7signal Sapphire system the boundary values can be set separately for each KPI
contained in the SLA group. Each KPI defines a certain type of boundary value and
percentage values for how many measurement samples may fall outside the defined
boundary values without causing the service level agreement to be considered unfulfilled.
The type of the KPI determines whether measurement samples with values over or under
the boundary value are desired.
Three color coding is used for service levels in the KPIs: green, yellow and red. The
percentage boundaries are defined for green and yellow levels of service.
To attain the green level of service the percentage of measurement samples that fulfill the
boundary value criteria set in the KPI (that is, are over or under the set boundary value,
depending on the type of KPI) must be at least as high as the percentage boundary value set
for the green level in the KPI. If there are too many measurement samples that do not fulfill
the boundary value criteria, the service level falls to yellow. The yellow level functions
likewise: if it is not attained, the service level falls to red.
Example: Upload throughput KPI
The table below explains how an SLA value is calculated based on target KPI, it’s
measurement and statistical analysis.
Boundary value
above 5,5 Mbit/s
This is a relatively low value. One should bear in
mind that this target is for numerous access
points and the calculation interval might be
rather long.
On the other hand, an alarm might be bound to
this KPI with a higher alarming threshold for
access points with extreme performance
Green level
At least 99,0% of measured samples must attain
an upload throughput of at least 5,5Mbit/s in
order to attain the green level for the KPI in
Yellow level
If the percentage of measured samples that
satisfy the boundary value criteria falls between
95,0% and 98,99% the yellow level is attained.
Red level
below 95,0%
If the percentage falls below 95,0% the service
level can be considered unfulfilled.
Creating an SLA group
An SLA group can be created in one of two ways:
1. By modifying an SLA template
2. By creating an empty SLA group and adding to it the desired Key Performance