User's Manual

7 Network Performance Indicators 14
7signal Ltd, Panuntie 6, FI-00620 HELSINKI, FINLAND, +358 40 777 7611,,
7signal Sapphire Loupe User Guide Release 3.1
The KPIs in the Network tab are divided into five groups: Accessibility, Availability, Quality,
Traffic and Active test failures.
Apply time intervals You can limit the time of day, from which the measurements are
included. F.ex. set time interval to 7:00 - 18:00 to ignore the results from night time.
Scale Y-axis You can set the minimum and maximum values of the y-axis to be the
same in all of the charts.
Active controls in the tab pane
Selections in other panes affect KPI lists and other elements in the tab pane.
The Network KPIs are grouped in to separate selectable sub-groups. Check-boxes are available
to select the sub-group. Both top-horizontal and vertical check-boxes control the same set of
KPIs. Even when the horizontal selection limits the number of KPIs, the user benefits from the
vertical control as well.
“Expand all” is there to show all KPIs at once.
The Most used selection will use pre-
selected KPIs for performance reports.