User's Manual

4 Installing 7signal Sapphire 21
7signal Ltd, Panuntie 6, FI-00620 HELSINKI, FINLAND, +358 40 777 7611,,
7signal Sapphire Deployment Guide Release 3.1
Extracting Loupe package ...
Loupe requires two certificates to run properly. They are delivered
Get certificates from certificate package [Y/n]? <enter>
Alternative 1: Install certificates and passwords from separate packages
Typically, certificate packages and password packages are delivered separately. Press enter
when the installer asks location of 7signal-all.tar.gz certificate package:
Please enter location of archive file (<prefix>-7signal-all.tar.gz):
Next, the installer asks for location of the certificate package 7signal-certs.tar.gz. Enter
the name of the directory in which the certificate package resides:
Please enter location of certificate archive file (<prefix>-7signal-
certs.tar.gz): <directory path>
Found file /<directory path>/<customer name>-7signal-certs.tar.gz. Do
wish to use it [Y/n]? <enter>
The installer extracts and verifies required certificates from the certificate package:
Validating archive..
Archive valid.
Next, the installer asks for location of the password package 7signal-pwds.tar.gz. Enter
the name of the directory in which the password package resides:
Please enter location of certificate archive file (<prefix>-7signal-
pwds.tar.gz): <directory path>
Found file /<directory path>/<customer name>-7signal-pwds.tar.gz. Do
wish to use it [Y/n]? <enter>
The installer extracts and installs required certificates and passwords from the certificate and
password packages:
Validating archive..
Archive valid.
Extracting files..
Extracting passwords..
Alternative 2: Install certificates and passwords from single package
Certificates and passwords are delivered in a single package. The installer asks for location of
the package 7signal-all.tar.gz. Enter the name of the directory in which the package
Please enter location of archive file (<prefix>-7signal-all.tar.gz):
<directory path> <enter>
Found file /<directory path>/<customer name> -7signal-all.tar.gz. Do
wish to use it [Y/n]? <enter>