User's Manual

4 Installing 7signal Sapphire 22
7signal Ltd, Panuntie 6, FI-00620 HELSINKI, FINLAND, +358 40 777 7611,,
7signal Sapphire Deployment Guide Release 3.1
The installer extracts, verifies and installs required certificates and passwords from the
Validating archive..
Archive valid.
Extracting files..
Extracting passwords..
Step 6: Starting of Loupe server:
It is possible to start the server immediately. The requirement is that the database is up and
running at the Loupe start-up:
Updating files according to configuration ...
Finding JRE ... found at /opt/7signal/jre
Copying init script ...
Installing init script ...
Installing 7loupe tool ...
Creating uninstaller ...
Loupe install process finished.
HTTP server configured to URL: http://localhost:80/
Do you want to start Loupe server now? [Y/n] <enter>
Installation is finished.
4.4.4 Sonar install (Linux)
Copy 7signal-Sonar-installer from the delivery medium e.g. to /home directory.
NOTE! Do not use /tmp directory.
Step 1: Change to the directory where installer was copied and install Loupe server by
issuing the command:
# ./7signal-Sonar-x.x-x.x-installer.bin
Step 2: Specify installation directory:
The installer extracts installation files and asks location for the installation:
Extracting installer, please wait ...
Verifying installer, please wait ...
Enter location to which 7signal Sonar server will be installed
[/opt/7signal]: <enter>
Step 3: Specify configuration parameters:
The installer asks some configuration parameters for Sonar installation. In general, default
values can be used:
Enter name for the Sonar server [Sonar]: <enter>