User's Manual

4 Installing 7signal Sapphire 23
7signal Ltd, Panuntie 6, FI-00620 HELSINKI, FINLAND, +358 40 777 7611,,
7signal Sapphire Deployment Guide Release 3.1
Enter port number for the server [80]: <enter>
Checking that TCP port 80 is not in use.. Port 80 free.
Number of simultaneous clients reflects to the number of Eyes running tests against this Sonar
Enter number of maximum simultaneous clients (1..50) [10]: <number of
Eyes> <enter>
VoIP tests require individual UDP port for each simultaneously running VoIP test. Ports are
reserved as a port range, starting from a port number specified by the user (default: 50000):
Enter first UDP port of UDP port pool [50000]: <starting port> <enter>
Next, enter the size of the port range. The default is 10, which means that 10 simultaneous
VoIP tests can be run against this Sonar:
Enter size of port pool (1..20) [10]: <enter>
Last, specify the default logging level. By default, only errors are logged:
Enter log level (DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR) [ERROR]: <enter>
Step 4: Verify configuration:
The installer outputs the specified configuration. Verify the configuration and accept it:
Sonar configuration:
Server name : Sonar
Server port : 80
Max. clients : 10
MOS port pool start: 50000
MOS port pool size : 10
Log level : ERROR
Is this configuration OK [Y/n] <enter>
Step 5: Finish installation:
The installer finishes installation automatically:
Copying Sonar to /opt/7signal...
Configuring Sonar...
Extracting jre...
JRE already installed, checking if it is up to date
Installed version: 1.6.0_17-b04
New version : 1.6.0_17-b04
JRE does not need to be updated.
Updating files according to configuration...
Copying init script..
Installing init script..
Creating uninstaller...