Setup Guide Part 1

10 7signal solution 37
7signal Solutions, Inc., 526 S. Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44311, USA, 855-763-9526,,
7signal Sapphire Carat User Guide Release 5.0
Figure 18: SW repository management view
Import monitoring station software as follows:
1. Make sure that you have monitoring station software available in your computer
2. Click “Import” button
3. Browse and select the monitoring station software from the file list
The imported software appears to the software version list.
In order to remove old software versions from Carat:
1. Select unwanted software versions from the list.
2. Click “Remove” button.
10.6.2 Update monitoring station software (configurator/organization
admin users)
Select “Eye software update” in “Eye Software Management” menu. “Eye software update”
view is opened. If Carat detects monitoring stations that do not have the latest software
installed, Carat proposes the update: