Setup Guide Part 1

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7signal Solutions, Inc., 526 S. Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44311, USA, 855-763-9526,,
7signal Sapphire Carat User Guide Release 5.0
WLAN availability. Another emphasis is on a fast testing cycle, where each test takes only a
short time.
17.2.5 VoIP
The “VoIP” template is intended for environments where the wireless clients are mostly VoIP
devices. A wireless VoIP network must have extremely high-quality radio connections. The
MOS test indicates packet losses and jitter in the network, among other things.
17.2.6 Hospital
“Hospital” resembles the “Office” template. However, the “Hospital” template produces more
results that describe the status of the wireless clients. The profile is a general purpose one that
emphasizes wireless clients.
17.2.7 Spectrum and Noise
This template is limited in test elements: there are no active tests at all. It is targeted for
environments that have severe interference conditions. This can be considered as a trouble-
shooting template that is activated if the normal course of testing does not provide enough
information on the source of the interference.
17.2.8 Surveillance
The “Surveillance” is a limited template with one test only that specializes in surveillance. The
point is to capture traffic in any channel in any direction. The rationale is environments where
there should be no radio traffic at all or only for white-listed devices.
17.2.9 TripleSSID
Mainly example how to configure test profiles that access numerous WLAN networks in a
single profile. This is the case one Eye unit is supposed to monitor multiple WLANs
concurrently. The next chapter has more details on this.
17.3 Testing multiple WLAN networks in one test profile
One monitoring station may test multiple access points that provide multiple WLAN networks.
In the context of test profiles WLAN networks are referred as ESSIDs.
Testing on multiple ESSIDs is achieved by either copying and editing individual test element in
a profile or copying a complete template to an existing profile.
Whenever it is possible to define an essid to a test element there may be exactly one ESSID per
element or no ESSID at all. The latter means that the test in question shall be executed against
all access points managed by the monitoring station. The former limits the access points to
ones that have the ESSID and are managed by the monitoring station.
17.4 Test Profile execution modes
The test profile execution mode controls how the tests are run within the test profile. The
execution mode can be set while the test profile is created (or duplicated), or later by editing
the test profile.