User Guide Part 2

18 7signal solution 78
7signal Solutions, Inc., 526 S. Main Street, Akron, Ohio 44311, USA, 855-763-9526,,
7signal Sapphire Carat User Guide Release 5.0
Manual tests can run simultaneously with automated testing. Sapphire will perform ongoing
automated test first and then run user defined manual test. Automated test will continue after
manual test has been finished.
Manual test results will not be saved to database.
18.1 Session events
Session events can be shown from active tests (i.e. tests in which the monitoring station
associates with an access point). If the test supports session events, the test dialog contains
“Session events” button.
Figure 36: Session events
Session events describe time line and state of the radio link. Typical session event list can be
seen in the figure above. The columns of the session event table are the following:
Time: When the action resulted the event occurred
Event: Type of the event. Possible actions resulting a session event are the following:
o Scan started: The monitoring station has started to scan an access point
o Authentication started: The monitoring station has started to authenticate
itself to an access point
o Authentication: The monitoring station has authenticated itself to an access
o Association started: The monitoring station has started to associate with the
access point.
o Association: The monitoring station has associated with the access point
o Connect: Radio link is ready
o Connection complete: Radio link and authentication are complete