
Connection to Other Devices
if this printer is connected to a personal computer, a sequencer or any other
unit set this unit to the RS-232C and Dump print. Set the DIP switches
appropriately. For characters to print, refer to the "Character Code Tableā€ in
the Appendix, p. 30. This unit only receives signals, it can't output control
signals, message, etc. Note that overflow of the data buffer is valid for
control I/O only.
The following codes have meaning as control signals:
Moves a character point to the beginning of the next line and
clears the specification of an enlarged character.
An enlarged character can be used with this signal.
If this code is input while in the enlarged character mode it
changes back to the normal character mode. This command is
ignored when in norma! character mode.
This code is used in combination with the following two
characters as an auxiliary code:
1BH+44H Prints the year, month and day.
1BH+54H Prints the time.
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