Operation Manual

12 Bank and Program Management
2 Bank and Program Management
Chromaphone comes with several factory presets, called programs, covering a wide range of
sounds. This collection of programs lets you play and familiarize yourself with this synthesizer
without having to tweak a single knob. Soon, however, you will be experimenting and creating
your own sounds and projects that you will need to archive or exchange with other users. In this
section, we review the management of programs.
2.1 Banks and Programs
Sounds are stored in banks contaning so-called programs. The name of the currently selected bank
is shown in the Bank drop-down display located at the top of the Chromaphone interface. The list
of available banks is viewed by clicking on the Bank display. A bank can be selected by navigating
in the list of banks using the left and right-pointing arrows in the display or by clicking on its name
when the list of banks is open.
The list of programs included in the currently selected bank can be viewed by clicking on the
Program display located on the right of the Bank display. A program is selected by using the left
and right-pointing arrows or by clicking directly on its name. Once a program is selected, the value
of the different parameter of the synthesizer are updated and it can then be played.
2.2 Saving Programs
Programs are saved by clicking on the Save button located on the top of the Program display. When
a program has just been loaded, this command is greyed and therefore inactive. It is activated as
soon as a parameter of the interface is modified. Clicking on this command replaces the stored
version of the program with the new one.
The Save As command is activated by clicking on the corresponding button which opens the
Save Program pop-up window. It is then possible to save the program under a new name or its
current one in any of the available program banks. Note that if the original name of the program
is used, a new program with the same name will be created at the end of the program list meaning
that the original program is not erased. This also implies that it is possible to have many programs
with the same name in the same bank.
2.3 The Bank Manager
Banks and Programs can be edited using the Bank Manager. The manager window is displayed by
clicking on the Manager button located above the Bank display. It is closed by clicking again on
the same button. On the left of the window, one finds the list of banks. Clicking on a bank name
updates the list of programs included in the bank in the program list in the center of the window.