Operation Manual

32 Parameters
The effect is controlled with the three knobs appearing at the bottom of the module. The Mix
knob is used to adjust the ratio of “dry” and “wet” signal in the output signal from the module.
When the knob is adjusted in the left position, only the original or “dry” signal is sent to the output
while in the right position only the processed or “wet” signal is sent to the output. The Depth knob
is used to control the amplitude of the effect while the Rate knob is used to fix the modulation
frequency of the effect if the Sync function is off.
4.9.3 Flanger
The Multi-Effect module includes both a mono and stereo flange effect. They implement the effect
known as flanging which colors the sound with a false pitch effect caused by the addition of a signal
of varying delay to the original signal.
The Flanger effect is controlled with the three knobs appearing at the bottom of the module.
The Mix knob is used to adjust the ratio of “dry” and “wet” signal in the output signal from the
module. When the knob is adjusted in the left position, only the original or “dry” signal is sent to
the output while in the right position only the processed or “wet” signal is sent to the output. The
Depth knob is used to control the amplitude of the effect while the Rate knob is used to fix the
modulation frequency of the effect if the Sync function is off.
4.9.4 Phaser
The “phasing” effect colors a signal by removing frequency bands from its spectrum. The effect is
obtained by changing the phase of the incoming signal and adding this new signal to the original.
The Phaser effect can be controlled with the three knobs appearing at the bottom of the module.
The Mix knob is used to adjust the ratio of “dry” and “wet” signal in the output signal of the module.
When the knob is adjusted in the left position, only the original or “dry” signal is sent to the output
while in the right position only the processed or “wet” signal is sent to the output. The Depth knob
is used to control the amplitude of the effect while the Rate knob is used to fix the modulation
frequency of the effect when the Sync function is off.
4.9.5 Wah
The Multi-Effect module includes 2 different types of Wah effects: wah wah, and auto wah. Both
of them are based on a specially designed bandpass filter with a 12 dB/oct slope. In the wah wah
effect, the center frequency of the bandpass filter varies at a certain rate. In the case of the auto-
wah, the variations of the center frequency is controlled by the amplitude envelope of the incoming
The Freq knob is used to control the central frequency of the filter. Turning this knob clockwise
increases the center frequency. In the case of the Wah Wah effect, the center frequency will oscillate