Operation Manual

4.4 Using MIDI Bank and Program Changes 19
original bank. A multiple selection of programs can be used with the Copy and Move commands
Programs can be deleted from a bank by first selecting them and then clicking on the Delete
button. This will move the programs to a special bank called Trash which is located below the
regular list of banks. This means that deleted programs can always be recuperated as long as they
are not deleted from the Trash bank. The content of the Trash bank is viewed by clicking on its
name; the different programs can then be moved to the other banks as explained above. The Trash
bank can be emptied by clicking on the Empty Trash button which appears below the program list
when the Trash bank is selected. Be careful as this command can not be undone.
4.4 Using MIDI Bank and Program Changes
Banks and programs can be changed using MIDI bank and program change commands. For more
information on how to use these commands, please refer to sections 7.2.4 and 7.2.5.
4.5 Backups of Banks and Programs
User banks are stored on disk as simple text files located in the following folders:
On Mac OS: /Users/[user name]/Library/Application Support/Applied Acoustics Systems/Lounge
On Windows: %AppData%\Applied Acoustics Systems\Lounge Lizard\Banks
The bank files saved by Lounge Lizard EP are named using the following convention:
[name of bank].Lounge Lizard Bank
These file contain all the information corresponding to the programs they include. These files
can be displayed directly from Lounge Lizard EP by opening the Bank manager and clicking on
the Show Files button. This will open an Explorer or Finder window on Windows or Mac OS
respectively at the right location.
The simplest way to create a backup of banks and programs is to make a copy on an external
media of the above mentioned folders. Individual banks can be backed-up by making copies of
individual bank files.
4.6 Exchanging Banks and Programs
Banks and programs can easily be shared with other Lounge Lizard EP users. This operation simply
involves the exchange of the above mentioned user bank files. When a new bank file is copied to
the bank folder, it is automatically available to Lounge Lizard EP.
Note that individual programs can not be exported. They always appear inside a bank file. If
you only wish to share a few programs, create a new bank, copy the programs you wish to exchange
to this bank and share the corresponding bank file.