Operation Manual

22 Parameters
knob. Turning the modulation knob to the right has the opposite effect and increases the value of
the parameter for high notes while decreasing it for low notes.
The Vel modulation knobs are used to modulate the value of a parameter depending on the
velocity signal received from the keyboard so that the value of a parameter will increase as notes
are played harder on the keyboard. The position of the knob is used to adjust the amount of
modulation applied to the parameter. In its leftmost position, the modulation source is turned off
and the value of the parameter will not vary with the velocity signal from the keyboard. Turning
the knob clockwise will increase the effect of the modulation signal on the value of the parameter.
5.1.5 Synchronisation
The rate of the Tremolo module and certain effects can be synchronized to the clock of the host
sequencer. To do so, simply turn on the Sync switch. Sync values are adjusted with the Rate knob
and range from 16 quarter notes (4 whole notes) to 1/8 of a quarter note (a thirty-second note)
where the duration of the whole note is determined by the host sequencer clock. The effect can
also be synced to a triplet (t) or dotted note (d).
5.2 The Edit View
The Edit view is activated by clicking on the Edit button in the top part of the interface. It allows
one to go ’under the hood’ and adjust the different piano parameters and therefore to customize
its tone and behavior. On vintage instruments voicing was done with a screwdriver and a lot of
patience. You can now do this with just a few clicks.
5.2.1 The Hammer Module
The Hammer module is used to simulate the force impact produced by the piano hammer when
striking the fork of the piano. It has three main parameters, Stiffness, Noise and Force.
The Stiffness knob determines if the
hammer is soft or hard which is related
to its material. As this knob is turned
clockwise, the hammer gets harder. Fig-
ure 9 shows the effect of the adjust-
ment of the stiffness on the output sig-
nal from this module. As the stiffness is increased the excitation signal becomes narrower which
reduces the interaction time between the hammer and the fork. This can be understood by the fact
that the harder is the hammer, the more rapidly it will bounce following the impact with the fork