Operation Manual

5.2 The Edit View 25
tone bar. The Decay knob controls the time necessary for the oscillations of the tone bar to fade out
when a key is depressed and a note is held. Turning this knob clockwise increases the decay time.
Note that the Tone and Tine parameters can also be set on the Play view.
The Release Time
The Release knob in the Fork module applies both to the tone and tine bars and is used to control
the decay time of the fork oscillations when a key is released and dampers are applied on the fork.
Turning this knob clockwise increases this release time. Note that this parameter is different from
the Decay parameter on the tone and tine bar settings which determine the decay time of the tone
and tine oscillations when there is no damper applied to the fork. The characteristics of the noise
produced by the dampers when they are applied on the fork are adjusted in the Damper module as
will be described in section 5.2.4.
5.2.3 The Pickup Module
The Pickup module simulates the way a magnetic coil captures the sound of the fork in an electric
The position of the pickup relative to the tine bar is a very important parameter in determining
the tone of the instrument. Indeed, the shape of the signal measured by the pickup strongly depends
on how it is positioned with respect to the tine bar. This geometric parameter is fully adjustable on
the Lounge Lizard EP, as illustrated in Figure 10 for a wide range of tonal colors.
Figure 10: Position of the pickup relative to the tine bar.
The Symmetry knob is used to adjust the vertical
position of the pickup relative to the tine bar. In its
leftmost position, the pickup is right in front of the
tine producing more harmonics in the sound. Turn-
ing the knob clockwise, moves the pickup above the
tine resulting in a more mellow tone. Note that this
control only allows one to move the pickup above the tine, this is because moving the pickup below