Operation Manual

30 Parameters
The level at which the Compressor starts to enter into action is determined by the value of the
Threshold parameter. This value is in dB and corresponds to the amplitude of the input signal as
monitored by the first level meter of the module.
The amount of compression applied to the part of the signal exceeding the threshold value
depends on the Ratio parameter which varies between value of 1:1 and 1:16. This parameter
represents the ratio, in dB, between the portion of the output signal from the compressor above
the threshold value and the portion of its input signal also exceeding the threshold value. As one
might expect, increasing the ratio also increases the amount of compression applied to the signal.
For example, a ratio of 1:5 means that if the input signal exceeds the threshold by 5 dB, the output
signal will exceed the threshold by only 1 dB. Note that the Ratio parameter can also be adjusted
from the Play view.
Two other controls affect the behavior of the Compressor. The Attack knob is used to set the
time, in milliseconds, before the Compressor fully kicks in after the level of the input has exceeded
the threshold value. A short value means that the compressor will reach the amount of compression
as set by the Ratio knob rapidly. With a longer attack, this amount will be reached more gradually.
In other words, the attack time is a measure of the attack transient time of the compression effect.
The Release parameter is similar and represents the amount of time taken by the Compressor to
stop compressing once the amplitude of the input signal falls below the threshold value.
The Makeup knob is used to adjust the overall level at the output of the Compressor module
and is used to compensate from an overall change in signal level due to the compression effect.
The location of the Compressor in the signal path depends on the setting of the Pre button.
When this knob is on, the Compressor is located at the output from the piano, just before the EQ
module. In this position, the input signal of the Compressor and its control signal are both the
output signal from the piano. When the Pre button is off, the Compressor is located after the EQ
module. In this configuration, the control signal of the Compressor is then the output signal from
the EQ module. The input signal to the compressor is determined by the position of the SC button.
When it is on, the Compressor is in a side-chain configuration. The input of the Compressor is
then the output signal from the piano. When it is off, the input of the Compressor is the output
signal from the EQ module.
Using the compressor in side chain configuration is useful when one wants to trigger the com-
pressor using other criteria than the general level of the signal to be compressed. For example, a
sound with a lot of bass would easily trigger the Compressor when playing low notes. In order
to avoid that, the EQ module would be set to filter out low frequency components. This signal
would then be used to control the Compressor while the input signal to the Compressor would
still include these low frequency components.
The attenuation or gain reduction level meter, located in the middle of the module, indicates
the amount of compression applied by the module. It is the difference between the input and output
signals of the module before makeup gain is applied.