Operation Manual

Utility Section 43
6 Utility Section
The utility section is located at the top of the Lounge Lizard EP interface and it includes important
parameters and monitoring tools. For information on Banks and Programs please refer to Chapter 4
6.1 The MIDI LED
The MIDI LED is located on the left of the level-meter. The LED blinks when the synthesizer
receives MIDI signal. If the application is not receiving MIDI signal, make sure that the host
sequencer is sending MIDI to Lounge Lizard EP. If you are running in standalone mode, make sure
that the MIDI controller you wish to use is well connected to your computer and that it is selected
as explained in Section 7.
6.2 Polyphony
The Voices control located in the upper left corner of this section allows one to adjust the number
of polyphony voices used by Lounge Lizard EP. The number of voices is adjusted by clicking on
the control and selecting the desired number of voices. In general, a higher number of voices is
desirable but keep in mind that the CPU load is proportional to the number of voices used.
6.3 Tuning
The Tune control, located on the right of the Voices control, is used to transpose the frequency
of the keyboard. This control is composed of two numbers separated by a dot. The first number
indicates a value in semi-tones while the second one indicates a value in cents (one hundredth of a
semi-tone). The amount of transposition can be adjusted by click-dragging upward or downward
on the semi-tone and cent controls. Double clicking on these controls brings back their value to
6.4 History and Compare
The History control allows one to go back through all the modifications that were made to programs
since the application was started. In order to travel back and forth in time, use the left and right-
pointing arrows respectively. The application will switch between different program states and
indicate the time at which they were modified.