Operation Manual

7.2 MIDI Configuration 47
7.2.4 MIDI Program Changes
Lounge Lizard EP responds to MIDI program changes. When a program change is received, the
current program is changed to the program having the same number as that of the program change
message in the currently loaded bank.
If you do not wish Lounge Lizard to respond to MIDI program changes, open the MIDI con-
figuration window by clicking on the MIDI button and uncheck the Enable Program Changes
7.2.5 MIDI Bank Changes
In general, MIDI bank numbers are coded using two signals: the LSB (least significant byte) and
MSB (most significant byte) transmitted using MIDI CC (continuous controller) number 0 and 32
respectively. The way these signals are used differs with different manufacturers.
In the case of Lounge Lizard EP, the value of the MSB signal is expected to be zero while the
value of the LSB signal represents the bank number. Banks are therefore numbered from 0 to 127
with this number corresponding to the position of a bank within the list of banks as displayed by
the Bank manager (see Section 4.3). For example, an LSB value of 0 corresponds to the first bank
in the bank list while an LSB value of 10 corresponds to the eleventh bank in the list. Note that a
bank change only becomes effective after the reception of a new MIDI program change signal.
If you do not wish Lounge Lizard EP to respond to MIDI bank changes, open the MIDI config-
uration window by clicking on the MIDI button and uncheck the Enable Bank Changes option.
7.2.6 Pitch bend
The MIDI pitch wheel allows one to vary the pitch of Lounge Lizard EP. The pitch wheel can be
moved with the mouse but it is also automatically connected to the pitch wheel signal received
from your MIDI keyboard.
The range of the pitch bend is 2 semi-tones up or down by default but can be changed. To
adjust the range of the pitch bend, open the MIDI configuration window by clicking on the MIDI
button located just below the MIDI let in the top part of the interface and use the Pitch Bend Range
drop-down list to select the range in semi-tones.
7.2.7 Modulation wheel
Lounge Lizard EP responds to MIDI modulation (MIDI controller number 1). For more details,
please refer to Section 5.4.