Operation Manual

1.4 Getting Started 9
Figure 2: Offline Authorization.
1.4 Getting Started
1.4.1 Using Lounge Lizard EP in Standalone Mode
Lounge Lizard EP comes with a standalone versions allowing you to play it without having to open
your sequencer. This can be convenient to explore Lounge Lizard EP and its library, play it live
or do some sound design work. To start Lounge Lizard EP in standalone mode, simply follow the
instructions below:
Windows - Double-click on the Lounge Lizard EP icon located on your desktop or select
Lounge Lizard EP from the Start > All Programs > menu.
Mac OS - Double-click on the Lounge Lizard EP icon located in the Applications folder.
Before you start exploring the program, take a moment to set up you audio and MIDI configu-
ration as explained below.