Operation Manual

2.4 Saving the Program List 23
2.4 Saving the Program List
When you open Lounge Lizard Session, the applications always loads the same
program list. This implies that, by default, the program list will always contain the
same presets when you open the application and that your modifications to presets
will be lost unless they have been saved in the preset library.
To save the current list of programs and replace the default program list, use
the Save All Programs command from the Programs menu.
This command is helpful if you wish to modify the program list or if you wish
to restart the application in exactly the same state as when you left it.
Note that this operation is not necessary when using Lounge Lizard Session as
a plug-in in a host sequencer as the program list is always saved with a project.
The default program list will be loaded only if a new project is started or if a new
instance of Lounge Lizard Session is opened within a project.
2.5 Organizing the Preset Library
2.5.1 Creating Folders
Sub-folders can be created by first selecting a folder by clicking on it and using the
New Folder command from File menu.
2.5.2 Copying and Moving Presets and folders
Presets and folders can be copied and moved from one location to another. First
select an item by clicking on its icon and use the Copy command from the Edit
menu (Ctrl-C/Apple-C shortcut) in order to copy it. Then click on the destination
folder and use the Paste command from the Edit menu (Ctrl-V/Apple-V shortcut)
in order to paste it. Groups of items can be copied and pasted at the same time.
In order to select many items at once, click on different icons while keeping the
Control/Apple key depressed. Alternatively to select, within a folder, all the presets
located between two presets, click on the first one and then on the second one while
keeping the Shift key depressed. Once a group of items has been selected, use the
Copy and Paste functions as explained above.